
National and State Scholarships

Both the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution and the Massachusetts State Society Daughters of the American Revolution have numerous scholarship opportunities for deserving students.

​The 2025 Massachusetts State Society Daughters of the American Revolution scholarship application is now available. Other scholarships offered by the MDAR include Bette Hooke Scholarship for DAR Good Citizens award and the American History award for senior high school students and the Lucy Jackson Scholarship for Hillside School students while attending Hillside School.

Contact Information
For more information on National DAR scholarships contact the DAR Scholarship Committee Chair.
​For more information on MDAR scholarships and the 2023 application, contact the MDAR Scholarship Committee Chair.
For more information on the American History Essay Contests, contact the American History Chair.
For more information on the Good Citizens Essay Contest and Scholarship, contact the Good Citizens Co-Chair 1 and Co-Chair 2.
For information on Junior Membership, contact the Junior Membership Co-Chair 1 and Co-Chair 2.