Welcome to the website of the Abiah Folger Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR), founded in 1898. Our chapter supports the objectives of the NSDAR: history, education, and patriotism.
We welcome new members! Contact our chapter regent or our chapter registrar to learn more about our chapter and how to become a member. Questions about the chapter's site? Email the webmaster. |
Our Members
We presently have about fifty members and are happy to welcome new members.
We meet monthly, year-round, on the second Thursday at noon; see the newspaper for the meeting location and speaker. The meeting includes lunch, a brief business meeting, and usually a guest speaker. Visitors from other chapters or those who are interested in joining are welcome to attend.
Our chapter supports the objects of the NSDAR:
1. HISTORY -- To perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who achieved American independence.
2. EDUCATION -- To carry out the injunction of Washington in his farewell address to the American people "to promote, as an object of primary importance, institutions of the general diffusion of knowledge."
3. PATRIOTISM -- To cherish, maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom, to foster true patriotism and love of country, and to aid in securing for mankind all the blessings of liberty.
To learn more about membership click here.
We meet monthly, year-round, on the second Thursday at noon; see the newspaper for the meeting location and speaker. The meeting includes lunch, a brief business meeting, and usually a guest speaker. Visitors from other chapters or those who are interested in joining are welcome to attend.
Our chapter supports the objects of the NSDAR:
1. HISTORY -- To perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who achieved American independence.
2. EDUCATION -- To carry out the injunction of Washington in his farewell address to the American people "to promote, as an object of primary importance, institutions of the general diffusion of knowledge."
3. PATRIOTISM -- To cherish, maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom, to foster true patriotism and love of country, and to aid in securing for mankind all the blessings of liberty.
To learn more about membership click here.
Chapter History
Our chapter was organized on January 6, 1898, by Sara Winthrop Smith, and is named for Benjamin Franklin's mother. Abiah Folger Franklin was born on August 15, 1667, on Madaket Road, Nantucket Island, to farmer and surveyor Peter Folger. She became the second wife of Josiah Franklin of Boston and had eight children, the youngest of whom was Benjamin. Josiah's first wife (the mother of his first 10 children) died, so Abiah raised all 18 Franklin children. There is a monument with flowers growing in it to honor Abiah on the right side of Madaket Road at the site of the Folger Farm, now owned by the Nantucket Historical Association.
Chapter site last updated October 15, 2024.
Questions about the chapter's site? Email the webmaster. |